Google search is awesome because it does its basic job of searching webpages very efficiently and along with that it provides so many command or tools or calculators embedded within search page. Recently I was searching for online alarm with countdown timer which I can keep it open in one tab and work in another tab.

Free online google search browser alarm
Set alarm with google search

I was searching for free online countdown timer with alarm with different keywords. And while searching I searched for “Set timer for 15 seconds” and search results appeared. But along with that above search results, a timer started. A count is displayed on screen along with that there is a progress bar below count which also increases as time passes. And when timer reached 0, it started alarming.

Google Search Set Timer in Browser
Google Search Countdown Timer

We can stop it when its executing or even we can reset it. Google search countdown timer is a nice way to start stopwatch or time elapsed timer in browser.

So you can set timer for particular duration by mentioning that in command.

eg. If you want to set a timer for 1 hour, then you can type “Set timer for 1 hour” and countdown will start.

eg. If you want to set a timer for 1 minute, then you can type “Set timer for 1 minute” and countdown will start.

Other than this even you can set timer for a specified time.

eg. If you want it to alarm at 5.30 pm, then you can type “Set timer for 5.30 pm” and countdown will start.

Free Online Countdown Timer Alarm with Google Search
Free Online Countdown Timer Alarm with Google Search

Even when timer is in progress and if we try to close the page then it asks whether we want to skip timer and navigate.

Countdown Timer with Alarm in Google Search
Countdown Timer with Alarm in Google Search Asks Confirmation when Navigating

Do you know any other trick related to Online Countdown Timer in Google Search ?